Graduating from secondary school can be exciting yet filled with many uncertainties. If you are a current upper secondary school student, it may be time for you to think about life after secondary school education. There are many options for postsecondary education – Junior Colleges, Polytechnics or even private education institutions. Students may choose to study in Junior Colleges for their postsecondary education when they are still unsure about the career path they want to take in the future, but if you already have an idea of what your aspirations are, then a diploma course may be a better fit. A-Level VS Diploma A-level syllabus in Junior Colleges provides students with higher levels of general education. It serves as an extension of secondary school studies, whereby students continue to extend their knowledge mainly in the general fields of Mathematics, Sciences and Linguistics. The A-level syllabus also includes business-related studies like Economics, Pr...
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