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The Importance of English in Singapore

English is the main language in Singapore. People speak it everywhere, at work, at school, and in the shops. So, that’s the reason why so many people from all over the world come to Singapore to study English.

DIMENSIONS International College and Singapore are in a unique position in Asia as the usage of English at home are becoming more prevalent according to a recent Census of the Population (Department of Statistics Singapore). This means travelers and students can easily converse in English on the streets of Singapore.  It is considered one of the best places to learn the English language in the region, especially for those who do not wish to travel far but wish to stay close to home. 

DIMENSIONS International College is located in Singapore and gives students the opportunity to study English with professional lecturers with ease and comfort. The variety of students ranges from children to adults. Most students choose to do full-time study but part-time study is available too.  Let’s compare students who study in Singapore versus those who study in other Asian countries.  Students who choose to study English in their native countries or other Asian countries might get some knowledge in the classroom but that’s as far as it goes considering the fact that there is little real-life experience and practice outside the classroom with native speakers. However, when you study at DIMENSIONS International College, not only do you receive quality education but also, you also receive education outside the classroom, on the streets and in the shops. All signs, billboards, notices, etc. are in English

The English courses offered at DIMENSIONS International College are from Elementary to Advanced. Whether the students are full-time, part-time or holiday students, they come to Singapore from all over the world, such as China, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Spain, Columbia, Brazil, Russia, Poland, and Hungary. All these students experience going out on extracurricular activities with their fellow classmates and teachers. At DIMENSIONS International College, they can take what they’ve learned in the classroom and use it in the real world.

There are some misconceptions about Singapore. One of them is in regards to the English language. For instance, one of our lecturers, who is also a native speaker of the English language, mentioned that his wife is a Singaporean. He recounted, “It is funny when my wife encounters people from other English speaking countries who visit Singapore as they will be surprised that she can speak and write better than many native speakers!”

As mentioned above, signs of all kinds, in shops or road signs are in English or maybe a combination of English and another language. If you go to the heart of Chinatown you won’t have any problems reading the signs as they will be both in English and Chinese, which is also a great way to improve your English by comparing the two.  If you visit the neighborhood of Kampong Glam you will see signs in English and Malay. If you visit the neighborhood of Little India, you will see signs in English and Tamil.  As you can see, most students who study English at DIMENSIONS International College in Singapore will have an easy time improving their English.  

The English language is one of the elements that brings the people of Singapore together. Whether they speak Tamil, Malay, Mandarin or any of the other Chinese dialects, you can count on a majority of them to converse in English

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