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Finding your footing in today’s competitive and fast-moving business world may seem like a disconcerting and onerous challenge. Be that as it may, the BA (Hons) in Business Administration is a cutting-edge programme exclusively designed to prime learners for a broad range of career options ahead.

Whether you’re considering a career change or looking to jump-start your business, a BA (Hons) in Business Administration is an ultimate springboard for you to enhance your transferrable skills and business knowledge. What’s more? You can take this invaluable set of skills with you from one job to another!


So here comes the big question – where does a BA (Hons) in Business Administration take you? Besides expanding your business knowledge and skills to a great degree, another advantage of studying a BA (Hons) in Business Administration is that it exposes you to a wide variety of subject disciplines which include accounting, business and commercial awareness, finance, human resources, and marketing – the cornerstones to all types of businesses.

For starters, if you’re seeking for a high-demand and well-paid career, the BA (Hons) in Business Administration copiously equips you with the competency to take on administrative and managerial roles in the business sector. Business-minded individuals who do not possess the means to launch their business at a young age will at least possess the right skills to ascend the corporate rungs in large companies.

On completion of the BA (Hons) in Business Administration, learners will be well-honed with a broad overview of the fundamental aspects of business.


With business at the forefront of everything, most business-related careers require at least a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited University. Deciding the BA (Hons) in Business Administration degree that could best serve you in the future, however, can be a real vexation. Not to mention, the diverse spectrum of business degree programmes offered by private education institutions in Singapore is increasingly on the rise.

If you’re considering a degree in business, you should opt for a degree programme that offers you real-world skills and teaches you how to explore the emerging business trends as well as global business dynamics. The ideal BA (Hons) in Business Administration programme exploits your creativity and brings a whole host of critical thinking abilities to the table.

In partnership with the University of Hertfordshire, the BA (Hons) in Business Administration - Top-up Degree programme offered through DIMENSIONS International College considers the employability of its learners an utmost priority. Teaching methodologies used in the BA (Hons) in Business Administration -Top-up Degree programme are specifically designed to maximise learners’ educational experience and allow them to effectively apply their learned knowledge in real-world contexts.

Housing optimal teaching tools, learning materials and resources, the University of Hertfordshire (UH) is undoubtedly at the vanguard of quality education. In addition, UH perpetually supports its learners’ academic success, putting them at the heart of everything it does.

On the other hand, if you are a full-time employee who is looking to enhance your business knowledge and skills by pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree, juggling both work and education can take quite a toll on you. However, melding education with work has been made easy at DIMENSIONS International College!

You may apply for the BA (Hons) in Business Administration - Top-up Degree programme on a part-time or full-time basis – whichever option that best suits your educational needs! Studying a part-time BA (Hons) in Business Administration - Top-up Degree programme, as opposed to a full-time BA (Hons) in Business Administration - Top-up Degree programme, provides you with the flexibility to balance life between studies, work and other commitments.

Through 12 months of institutional training, learners will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to carve a bright and successful career. With intent to go beyond the academics, learners will be given the opportunity to participate in some out-of-class activities and industrial visits at renowned establishments. Such activities expose them to a wide array of industrial environments coupled with insights into the real world.

Eager to learn more about the BA (Hons) in Business Administration - Top-up Degree programme offered through DIMENSIONS International College? Visit DIMENSIONS International College’s website for more!

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