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All You Need to Know About Psychology

Psychology is the studying of human behaviour and mind. The complexity of the human brain and the way it works makes it difficult for individuals to understand the reasons why people behave the way they do. Why do different people react differently in identical situations? Why do people display irrational behaviour under certain circumstances? It is safe to say that many would be intrigued by this subject at one point or another.

Why Study Psychology?

Psychology is more than just simply reading and understanding human minds. Besides satisfying our curiosity and providing answers to the questions that we may have on human behaviour, Psychology is also being used in many important aspects of our daily lives. In fact, there are many different fields of Psychology such as Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Occupational Psychology.

Social Psychology

Social Psychology studies how people’s minds and behaviour can be influenced through social interactions or even by just the mere presence of other individuals. It studies the differences between individual behaviour and collective behaviour. Social Psychologists are interested in how individuals shape the society and how the society, in turn, shape individuals.

Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology focuses on diagnosing psychological problems leading to mental, behavioural and emotional disorders. Depression, learning disabilities and anxiety are examples of the more common disorders, and Clinical Psychologists aim to find or improve treatment methods for such disorders through their research.

Occupational Psychology

Occupational Psychology applies psychological knowledge to organisational settings and aims to maximise employees’ work performances as well as job satisfaction in their workplaces. With findings done by Occupational Psychologists, organisations will be able to improve job designs and motivation schemes to ensure high levels of employee satisfaction.

Psychological Courses @ DIMENSIONS International College

DIMENSIONS International College offers both part-time and full-time Diploma as well as Degree courses in Psychology. If you are looking to pursue an education in Psychology, DIMENSIONS International College may have just the course for you! 

Diploma in Psychology

The Diploma in Psychology offered and awarded by DIMENSIONS International College aims to provide students with the foundation to understand and identify the different behavioural and mental processes. Under the Social Psychology module, students will learn about social psychological thinking and how social psychology contributes to the understanding of human behaviour. The Statistics module covered in the course will also equip students the ability to sample and interpret statistical data, as well as to use inferential statistical techniques in psychological researches.

Advanced Diploma in Psychology

Individuals can take up an Advanced Diploma in Psychology after graduating from the related diploma course before moving on to pursue a Degree in Psychology. The Advanced Diploma in Psychology awarded by DIMENSIONS International College covers modules such as Neuroscience and Behaviour, Research Method as well as Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy. It aims to further deepen students’ knowledge and understanding on the causes, treatment and prevention of various types of psychological disorders, so as to prepare students for a Degree course or a career in the related industry.

BSc (with Honours) in Psychology

Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
At DIMENSIONS International College, students can pursue a Bachelor Degree (with Honours) in Psychology, offered and awarded by Cardiff Metropolitan University. Under this Degree course, students will study different aspects of Psychology, such as Cognitive Psychology, Media Psychology and Clinical Psychology. The course will also focus on Psychological research as well as research data analysis. To ensure that students have an in-depth understanding in Psychology and are able to effectively utilise their professional knowledge, students will be required to do a research dissertation and apply the skills and knowledge learnt in the final year of the course.

For more information on the Psychology courses available, please visit



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